Why I Shoot

My “Why” for Becoming Noblesville’s Boudoir Photographer

Why Boudoir Photography?

If you asked me when I fell in love with photography, just a few years ago I would have told you the tale of how I picked up a camera in high school and never put it down, how I became a mom at a young age, and how I started taking pictures of my kids and then my friend’s kids which led to building a business.  But if you asked me in the last year when I fell in love with photography, my answer would be “It took me falling back in love with myself, for me to truly fall in love with photography.”

09-600 by Studio Kate Portrait Design - Noblesville Boudoir Photographer
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My Own Body Image Struggles

You see since I was in middle school I’ve struggled with my body. I developed much younger than other girls, and everyone took notice. And I mean everyone. Adults, peers, my siblings, relatives…even the guy at the concession stand who hit on me when I was 10 thinking I was 16. (Fortunately, he backed off when I told him how old I was). I was 10 years old with DD boobs and the confidence of a turtle running a race.

By the time I hit high school, my hormones had caught up with me, and I started gaining weight. I was never a “big girl” but compared to my friends I felt huge. When you are a size 10 and all your friends are a 2 or 4, you feel like a whale. I was insecure but hid those insecurities well, denying myself the time to think about why I felt the way I did or how I could change it!

By 21 I had been married a year, and pregnant with my first child. Three months after he was born I learned that I was a BRCA1 (breast cancer gene) carrier. My doctors encouraged me to have a double mastectomy and reconstruction, along with a hysterectomy. My second child was born at age 24. The next year I chose to proceed with the double mastectomy and reconstruction.

The culmination of all the physical changes made me feel like I didn’t know whose body I was living in. I had scars from armpit to armpit across my chest. My stomach began to hang. And I swear I could eat the crumb of a cookie and gain 10 pounds. My body was so different and foreign to me. 

15-600 by Studio Kate Portrait Design - Noblesville Boudoir Photographer
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Then, It Got Tough

At 29, surprise, I had my 3rd child. And soon after a hysterectomy because my risk of ovarian cancer was so high with the BRCA1 gene. I felt like everything feminine about me had been taken away. I was no longer a woman.

Just two short years later I would be going through a divorce after 12 years of marriage. I had no home, no car, no job, and no way to feed my children. (How I survived that is another story). During that time, my 13 year old niece, Emma, was diagnosed with brain cancer only to pass away 3 months later. I was shattered. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Spiritually. I didn’t know who I was. I didn’t know how to get through each day. I was a mess. 

In the years between 31 and 41, I had my gall bladder removed, a bladder sling so I wouldn’t piss my pants when I laughed, a failed spinal fusion at L5-S1, another spinal fusion at L5-S1, a spinal stimulator placed in my back, a botched tummy tuck that left my incision open from hip to hip for 4 months. It was a grueling time in every way imaginable. And I began to resent my body for constantly being in need of something physically, and not looking the way I wanted it to.

And somewhere in the middle of that I got remarried! Trying to navigate all that while building a new life, is let’s just say overwhelming. But my amazing husband, Jeremy, spoke love over me during it all. He told me over and over again that I was worth it. That I mattered. That I have a story to share. At first I didn’t believe him but the little whispers eventually caught my attention.

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My Mission: Love Myself

And throughout all of this, I was building a photography business. Not always successful but I was trying my hardest.  That’s when my body physically shuts down. I started having terrible migraines, and fainting! I had 3 different stays in the hospital where they ran every test imaginable and came back with no answers. My body was broken. And I hated it. 

I decided it was time to take a break. I needed to reevaluate everything I was doing with life but especially my career. I spent that time diving into self-help books, resting, and just being present.  And what I discovered in that time was how to love myself. I’m not sure how it happened but one day it just clicked. I’m not going to love this life until I love myself. And so I set on a mission to love myself.

I evaluated everything in life. What fueled my fire? What WAS my passion and what IS my passion? What did I love? What did I hate? What could I change? And the biggest thing I could change was me, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I realized that I was really good at loving others, but not so good at loving myself. So I  made little daily changes that led to loving myself. I started telling myself that I loved myself, and eventually, I believed it.  And when I would catch myself not believing it, I would redirect my negative thoughts to positive ones.  It didn’t happen overnight but I started loving myself like I had never, ever loved myself before.

And when it came to my job, I knew exactly what I needed to do. Photography. It had always been a love but now it was a passion. It’s exhilarating. It’s an adrenaline rush. I want to show women just how loved they are, right now, in the body they are in with every physical, mental, or emotional battle scar they have. I want to show them their power and their beauty. I want to help see them in ways they’ve never seen themselves. But I had to be able to see myself that way before I could help other women do the same!

So if you ask me when I fell in love with photography, I would have to be honest and tell you only just recently was I able to fall in love with photography because I was able to fall in love with me.

Love, Kate - Gold
02-600 by Studio Kate Portrait Design - Noblesville Boudoir Photographer
03-600 by Studio Kate Portrait Design - Noblesville Boudoir Photographer

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